Sunday, December 16, 2012

REPURPOSING: Vintage Sheet Music Wreaths

 WHIMSICAL wreaths and ornaments , they make such great gifts, so easy to personalize, and inexpensive to make.

vintage paper (the older and grungier the better-books or sheet music
tape and or staples
Embellishment~like old jewelry, Christmas balls, wine corks, glitter....use your imagination and personalize! 

My favorite part(of course) is hunting for the "junk" to make these-antique shops, Goodwill, and garage sales are great for finding vintage sheet music.

I watched this video for the basic idea, I can't follow any instructions when it comes to creating and cooking~but this is a great resource.

Still plenty of time to make a few for gifts....I have a few more that I plan on making myself.  I think hand-made, personalized gifts are the best, and as a added bonus you are recycling and reusing great old junk!


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My photo
St Croix River Valley
I grew up in a big farmhouse alongside a creek and sparkling pond, I have so many wonderful memories, but one of the very best is when my dad surprised me with my very own red playhouse, complete with a dutch door and window boxes, I would spend my days making it beautiful, picking fresh flowers, rearranging furniture, and "shopping" around the farm for new pieces.... I am forever CHASING JUNK~Obsessed with decorating and making everything around me beautiful. I am a wife, mother, sister, friend, and PICKER. I love to shop at estate and garage sales, flea markets and auctions~hunting for funky, whimsical and unique treasures. I love mixing and old and new, junky and fancy to make fresh fun new pieces. Beautifully decorated homes or the most pulled together looks are ones with a mix of old and new-collected over time. I love the idea for re-using, and re-purposing-being creative and thinking outside the box!